Prof Platt and Dr Phegan are Gold Coast foot and ankle specialists in the treatment of bunions (hallux valgus).

What are bunions?

Bunions (Hallux Valgus) look like a bump or swelling on the side of the foot near the big toe knuckle joint. While you might initially notice that the skin is red, bunions actually reflect a change in the structure of the big toe. They can eventually become quite painful.

What are the symptoms of bunions?

In the early stages of formation, bunions may not have any symptoms. However, as they progress, bunions can cause:

  • Pain, especially when wearing enclosed shoes
  • Redness and swelling
  • Difficulty walking
  • Difficulty finding shoes to fit comfortably

What causes bunions?

The cause of bunions is unknown, however, bunions, like foot shape, can be hereditary and we often hear patients tell us of how terrible their grandmother’s feet were. They can also be caused by trauma, or arthritis. Bunions get worse over time and if left untreated they can lead to arthritis of the big toe joint.

How are bunions diagnosed?

Our foot and ankle surgeons, Prof Platt and Dr Phegan, can usually make a diagnosis of hallux valgus by getting a detailed history from you and examining your foot. An X-Ray is usually done to confirm the diagnosis, and the extent of the condition.

What is the treatment for bunions?

The good news is that bunions respond well to treatment and we can prepare a treatment plan for you.

In early cases with mild symptoms, changing your shoe wear and activity may be enough to ease symptoms. It may also be useful to consider orthotics. Simple over the counter analgesics can also be very helpful in alleviating symptoms in mild cases.

Surgery is performed when symptoms are severe or do not improve. Surgery is performed under general anaesthetic and is usually a day procedure.

Our foot and ankle surgeons will talk through the treatment options that are right for you. All surgery is tailored specifically to your bunion.

The symptoms usually resolve rapidly after surgery; however, all foot surgery tends to take a little longer than most people anticipate. We will take the time to talk with you about what to expect.

Recovery after bunion surgery

Recovery time varies depending on the severity of your bunions and the exact surgery performed. It is important to follow all your post-operative instructions carefully. Complications such as infection, nerve damage, or recurrence of the bunion are rare but possible, so it's essential to report any unusual symptoms promptly to us.

Important instructions to follow after your foot or ankle surgery with Prof Platt and Dr Phegan

Want to know if bunion surgery is suitable for you? Contact us to make an appointment with one of our specialist foot and ankle surgeons.

For all appointments and enquiries please click a name:

Prof Simon Platt  

Dr Michael Phegan  

FAX 07 3523 4044

Coast Foot & Ankle
20 Nerang-Broadbeach Road
Nerang QLD 4211

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